
Medical Simulator for Heart Surgeons

Written by Bastiaan Grisèl | Aug 30, 2024 1:48:36 PM
Together with the Erasmus Medical center in Rotterdam, the Amsterdam Medical Center and Leinden LUMC, we have created two Hololens applications that integrate data from medical imaging systems into one 3D environment. This allows surgeons and physicians to see all relevant data in one overview. The application is currently a work-in-progress and will be used for training new surgeons, patient communication, pre-operative planning and eventually during procedures. This project uses Hololens 2.

The first image shows the imaging systems that we get our data from. This data includes electrical activation, ECG and CT. The seond image shows the screens where the data is being displayed. This project integrates these different views into one real-time 3D model.

Unfortunately, I cannot share too much of this project in public but I’d be happy to elaborate face-to-face.